North Canterbury is truffle country and Kings Truffles reigns supreme. With a truffiere positioned in the heart of Canterbury’s limestone country, Kings is certified organic through Biogro and is one of the largest truffle-growing operations in New Zealand.

Kings Truffles has been powered by passion and dedication in growing and supplying organic truffle of the utmost quality. With 6000 trees located in Waipara, plans are in the works for more to be planted within the next few years.

Q&A with Jax Lee from Kings Truffles

Why North Canterbury? The right climate for good things – long, hot, dry summers for growing truffles, with cold winters and frosts that are perfect for ripening the truffle and intensifying the aroma. This also lends itself to an awesome place for a young family and so many great outdoor adventures on our doorstep.

What’s your favourite thing to do in North Canterbury? A picnic at Lake Taylor on a good day is pretty hard to beat.

Name your top three North Canterbury brands (other than your own!). Beer = Brew Moon. Foodie treat = Make it Raw. Wine = So many I can’t choose!

Find Us

Mckenzies Road, Waipara

Phone Jax: 02102857801